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- Description
Semi Auto
Tabletop Type
Semi automated clinical chemistry analyzer Features,
● 6 detecting wavelengths: 450-492-510-546-578-630nm
● Up to 70 test items
● Analytical modes: end-point, absorbance.
● Large LCD. menu operation, hospital and patient information editing available
● Inner thermal-sensitive printer. English comprehensive report available, including refer range
(Semi automated clinical chemistry analyzer Printer)
● Memory for 10000 sample results
● Few reagent needing, low detecting cost.
● Open reagents, can match for any brand reagent which you can get from your native market.
(Semi automated clinical chemistry analyzer Sample Test)
Semi automated clinical chemistry analyzer Specification:
Test project:≥70
Flow cell: 32uL,quartz glass
Liquid volume: 200-3000uL
Resolution: 0.001Abs(display),0.0001Abs(calculation)
Repeatability: <1%
Printer: Internal thermal-sensitive printer, 58nm paper width
Display: 240*64LCD
Communication: RS-232 serial cable
Power supply:220\110VAC±15%,50\60Hz 80W
Temperature: 15℃-30℃ wet≤90%
Dimension: 380mm(L)*330mm(W)160mm(H)
Weight: 7Kg
Semi automated clinical chemistry analyzer Test Content,
Item no | Abbreviation | name | Item no | Abbreviation | name | |
1 | ALT | Alanine Aminotransferase | 29 | Fe | Blood serum ferrum | |
2 | ALP | Alkalinity phosphatase | 30 | Zn | Blood serum zinc | |
3 | TBIL | Total bilirubin | 31 | P | Blood serum phosphorus | |
4 | DBIL | Direct bilirubin | 32 | K | Blood serum potassium | |
5 | TP | Total protein | 33 | Na | Blood serum sodium | |
6 | ALB | Albumin | 34 | HGB | Haemoglobin | |
7 | TTT | Muskdeer vanilla phenolase | 35 | RBC | Red blood cell | |
8 | CHE | Choline lipase | 36 | CO2 | Total carbon dioxide | |
9 | NH3 | Blood ammonia | 37 | r-GT | Gamma-glutamate aminoacyl transpeptidase | |
10 | BUN | Urea nitrogen | 38 | G | Globulin | |
11 | CRE | Inosine anhydride | 39 | A/G | White ball ratio | |
12 | UA | Uric acid | 54 | URE | urea | |
13 | TCHO | Cholesterol | 55 | Cu | Blood serum coppre | |
14 | HDLC | High density Cholesterol | ||||
15 | LDLC | Low density Cholesterol | ||||
16 | TG | Triglyceride | ||||
17 | LDH | Lactic dehydrogenase | ||||
18 | GOT | Millet straw transaminase | ||||
19 | CK | Creatine kinase | ||||
20 | GLU | Blood sugar | ||||
21 | AMS | Amylose | ||||
22 | IGA | Immune globulin A | ||||
23 | IGG | Immune globulin G | ||||
24 | IGM | Immune globulin M | ||||
25 | C3 | Complement | ||||
26 | CL | Blood serum chlorine | ||||
27 | Ca | Blood serum calcium | ||||
28 | Mg | Blood serum magnesium |

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Shipping Information:
G.W: 8kg
Packing Size: 0.5m,0.46m,0.29m
Unit: Piece
Special: No